
I Woke Up To A Gift- Artwork by Tofunmi Jeffrey

This is it! When you are a blessing to people. God will raise others to become a blessing to you. 

I woke up this faithful morning 30th of January receiving this piece from Tofunmi Jeffrey. It feels overwhelming to see something as beautiful as this made for you.

When you have the right choice of friends, you will be treated like a king. I am already feeling like a celebrity... Lol!

Thank you Tofunmi Jeffrey!

To Get in Touch with Jeff, 

Instagram - @TofunmiJeffrey 

Whatsapp +234 813 971 5850


Facebook-Jimmy Jeffrey

Jeff Designs of creativing

I Woke Up To A Gift- Artwork by Tofunmi Jeffrey I Woke Up To A Gift- Artwork by Tofunmi Jeffrey Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 04:11 Rating: 5

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