
The Power of Partnership

It is impossible to brush off dirts with a Broom stick until many Broom sticks is merged together to become one. 

There is a stronger bond in two or three people coming together to form a union.  Partnership defines how two or more people of different or same backgrounds, ethic group ,religious group, coming together to achieve a certain goal.

Family was made to be helping hands, if God's plan for us to be independent  totally he will never exist. 

'' If either of them falls, one can help the other up''-Eccesiastes 4.10

The church encourages partnership in Ecclesiastes 4.9-12, and in galatians 5.13. This is why we refer each other has brother and sisters in  Christ.

In business,  partnership is very important because the ability to raise funds will be increased. Successful companies recruits staffs yearly to work as a team to develop, achieve, and make more capital as the companies grows.

Self becomes greedy most times to make profits alone but self cannot be wise enough to maintain standards for a  long period of time. If he falls no one will be there to cheer him up to rise again. 

A herd of antelope is stronger over a lion and can take down a lion if he threatens. But the lion always go after the one whom goes astray because it has an edge on it. 

Seek for virtue, integrity before getting a partner in order to grow well in any field of choice.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

The Power of Partnership The Power of Partnership Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 03:15 Rating: 5

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