
In Search For Beautiful Faces For Xpress Africa 2016

This Edition of Face of Xpress Africa would be better and brighter as Money just became involved as a token for participating.

Winner: Token of Fifty thousand,Movie Deal,Host for Xpress Africa TV,Cover of Xpressafrica Magazine and Complete Fashion,Co-Host for Fashion Dairies,Face of Fab hair extensions and would walk on various national and international Stages ..

1st Runner up: Token of Thirty thousand,Movie Deal,Co-host for Xpressafrica tv,Co-host for Street Fashion,Beauty products,Cover of VL Magazine and walk on various national and international stages.

2nd Runner Up: Token of Twenty Thousand,Movie Deal,Co-host for Xpressafrica Tv,walk on various national and international stages and Cover Reputable Magazines

Amount of Form : 3500
Deadline 16th of February 2016
Account Name: Maison D'erex
Bank: 1014520074
Eligible: Are you Male or Female between the ages of 18-35 then this is your chance..
It is online!!! It is the Poise and Style Edition.......... Are you the One???

Note- This is a sponsored post. 
In Search For Beautiful Faces For Xpress Africa 2016 In Search For Beautiful Faces For Xpress Africa 2016 Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 12:35 Rating: 5

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