
Inspirational Poem By Peter

Unexpected visitors in the midnight,
Known and unknown.
It's just a mystery
gathered to make history.

The intermediaries,
 Those without wealth,
Untrained squanders of wealth,
Who is suspect?

They come to destroy,
They come to damage,
Girls and ladies raped,
 Boys and men beaten, 
They take away treasuries and luxuries,
Leaving all in agony, pain, worries.

It's the period of jubilation and  abundance, 
Everyone has a story to tell;
Some consoles others,
Most in pain, agony and thanksgiving.
It's just a new thirty days.
It's just after the new November.

Ogunjinrin Peter Omotola2015©

Inspirational Poem By Peter Inspirational Poem By Peter Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 02:22 Rating: 5

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