
Holidays are over! Back to work tips.

It is tough to get back to work quickly after a fun long holiday. I personally wish the holiday could last forever same as you do.  But we just have to work to earn a living and to grow in whatever we do.

The good thing is just to be inspired on what to do when work starts. Here are some few things that will motivate you this period. 

1. Prepare and plan the day before work- Always plan your activity a day before work. Write down a plan on how you will like to manage your time though plans may change though due to some challenges you may face at work. But it will always turn out well because you were totally ready for the day.  

2. Be up an hour atleast before work - An hour atleast should be set aside before work to exercise, pray, run errands, attend to home assignment and every other things you need to do.  It also helps you to leave home earlier for work. 

3. Be punctual- Get to work very early before your colleagues. It will earn you respect and a time comes that you need to give excuse for been absent from work. Your colleagues can vouch for you because they believe you are sincere with any excuse you are giving . 

4. Be inspired- listen to motivational programs on radio, tapes and on tv. Read lot of inspirational articles and quote to keep your minds fresh before the day's activity. 

5. Pray before starting - It is a good way to start Your day at work with prayers.  Prayers gives you peace that everything is under control and makes you stand out unique at work. 

6. Give gifts and show love - Show love to everyone and give gifts of appreciation to those whom has been a source of motivation to you.  Be sweet and kind, it is a path way for favors and it makes you stay at peace with yourself and with others. 

Have a wonderful day at work! 

Oyin Olowoyo 
Holidays are over! Back to work tips. Holidays are over! Back to work tips. Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 00:13 Rating: 5

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