
Ways To Earn Respect

The focus is not on self, it is on what people feel about you. We all want to be respected by peers but it takes alot of work to earn it.
To Earn respect and gain a name for yourself, you have to follow this practices:

Mind your speech - know what to say to others. Somethings we say as jokes are not as funny as we think they are.  Stop sharing negative information that will discourage but speak positive to encourage and give hope to people.

Stop backbiting - Stop nosing into other people's businesses. Words are powerful. People develop some sort of hatred for other people due to what they have heard somewhere even when it is false.

Render help and support to others- It is really what you can do for others that matters. Focus on solving problems, inspiring and supporting people. Celebrate the success of others has you expect yours.

Be truthful - Try as much as possible to share true information. Stay on a YES if it is or NO if it is not. Do not try to please people if you're not capable.

Dress well- Appearance is key.  '' The way you dress, is the way you will be addressed''. Dress nice, well tailored,  covering up with fine accessories to match up the outfit..

5. Be real- Try not to to be another person, be yourself always. Don't boast about what you don't have. Leave it simple!

Ways To Earn Respect Ways To Earn Respect Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 04:14 Rating: 5

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