
Lasu students union leadership conference Experience

The biggest thing I learnt so far today at the 4th Lagos leadership students union conference at ikeja teaching hospital is, We have no other option and choice but to value life.

Now let me explain,
I got too tired in the hall and I decided to move around, then I started thinking of how much I needed to achieve my aims and how much resources and capital I need to put into work. I started to pray and speak in tongues (Christians will understand), then I saw a woman in her 50s crying seriously and praying in the Muslim way walking towards my direction, I paused. Looking at how much sadness she had on, I felt really remorseful and I decided to ask her, mummy what happened (in Yoruba). Then, she answered and said, '' My son is sick(in yoruba) before she completed that sentence she started crying again, then I just said few words of encouragement and she appreciated it continued praying and walked away.

Yes, I changed my prayer point to that of hers, praying for the life of her son.
What baffles me is this, I was thinking I needed more money financially to satisfy my own need one person in crying for her son who she thinks he is battling for life.... Then I had no other option but to be thankful.

We can learn anywhere, pay attention to details and always give thanks.
Thank you to the organizers of Lagos leadership conference, it was a life changing seminar and I gained more experiences.

God is love,
Oyin olowoyo,
Motivational writer.
Lasu students union leadership conference Experience Lasu students union leadership conference Experience Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 03:23 Rating: 5

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