
Can you Suspend Tithing To Pay Off Your Debts?

God is God, he gives life and can take life anytime. You can run from human but can never run from God.  I will pay tithe and pray to God to provide wisdom, grace and wealth to pay my debts.

Let's hear your views. Can you Suspend Tithing To Pay Off Your Debts?

Can you Suspend Tithing To Pay Off Your Debts? Can you Suspend Tithing To Pay Off Your Debts?  Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 01:13 Rating: 5


  1. No dear,tithing is for securing your finance in God so the devil does not tamper with your money.

  2. God whom you pay tithe to will always provide for your dept to be paid

  3. Hmm. No I can't, because giving tithe makes room for more from God. So using my tithe to pay for debts, doesn't give me the opportune to receive from God

  4. Abegi! m gonna clear all mah debt bfor any tithe.wtz d xcenz f ur tithe wen u stl owing person.
