

Humility works in hand with gentility, humility is also called humble ,been humble sometimes doesn't make one foolish it's only gives you the ability of tackling that condition.

Most people take life so hard, the reason people don't move forward is because at their present state they boost with little achievement, what is the assurance that when they attain full height and success they won't be worse.

Attribute of an humble person. love grows naturally from the person that is humble, they find it easy to love their neighbors unconditionally.

2. Patience:- no matter the situation they find their self , they don't rush, they are patient and endure,then they look for solutions to their problem easily.

3.Giving:-they give out to people who are in need, they can sacrifice their last bit for someone in need, they volunteer to help people.

4.Forgiveness:- they find it easy letting go of things that hurt them and they forgive the person, it's is always part of them.

5.Respect:-they are respectful to everyone both young and old, they don't say because they are older than you they won't give you respect.

Been an humble person is not a gift it's is a choice, and the truth is you don't know who is watching you don't know who is picking your steps, don't let people say negative things about you, when you are humble you will be loved by many, you will have friends,you will be a good leader. They become example to many, everybody wants to imitate them.

People can encourage, people can criticize they all normal and they are things you would see naturally. We don't do things for today we do things for future references, even when a farmer plants crops, he cant get the harvest that same day, it's will be later maybe days or month or years. you don't know want the future brings, it's might be when you need assistance, people who as seen you and know your personality might now be the ones to assist you.

Humidity is also endorsed by God, when you are humble, you are wise,
"pride goes before a fall" pride is destruction.
Our lord Jesus christ is an example of an humble heart, Nelson mandela is also an example and they achieved success at the end of the day.

Search yourself,pray for that humble heart,work toward it and achieve good success.
Written by me,inspired by God.
visit my blog,
Oyindamola Olowoyo.

Humility Humility Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 13:35 Rating: 5

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