

Friends are the greatest set of people we depend on after family. Friends are passionate, helpful, understanding. At one point we intend to take our friends step.
Friends can build you within a second and their can destroy you. Most friends we keep can be from school, work, church, social gathering etc.
What kind of friends do we keep?
We have two categories of friends.

 We have the good side and the bad side friends.
The good sides friends will always be there for you will help you at every corner of your life even than your family Am sure some of us have little secret which we always hide from our families, but when its comes to our friends we open our heart easily.

  Then on the other side we have the bad set of friends,they don't have good intentions over you but to      destroy you completely, they are like maggot and termites who crimp into ones life and make that life miserable for the person,most of those friends are popular than the good categories,they never help.

"Show me your friend and I will know who you are"when you follow bad friends you will think like them

"The righteous should choose his friend carefully, for the ways of the wicked leads them astray"

   The best friend you can ever have is God,be close to him tell him your problems,he is always there to hearken to your call. Make a relationship with him now and he would be with you forever.

   On the earthly ground keep good friends,friends that will bring honour not disgrace.
  Choose the right choice of friends.
Friends Friends Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 06:14 Rating: 5

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