

Failure is a training step for someone in life,you failing does not make things worse but it's create a Pathway for success.its makes you unrelaxed and make you fight for a better achievement.
  Failure can occur in many ways or occasion it's might occur in education,business,relationship,family,different aspect in life.but it's doesn't give you the assurance that you won't attain that destination it's only makes you strong enough to complete that project you are handling.failure and breakdown is bound to happen in every man's life.
   To be honest,nobody wants to fail because at that point it's looks like a setback,it's makes you loose focus,it makes you look unserious,it's creates doubts and fear.for instance you been writing exams and you've been failing them,your mate are ahead of you,and you begin to have doubts in your hearts saying you can't make it but the good news is keep trying maybe one day you might succeed Along the line,if you want to learn more facts about successful people,go to them and ask them to narrate their story,most of them actually failed before achieving their success,by the time you sermon courage to get rid of that failure you might actually achieve success than your mate that were ahead of you.
   To get rid of failure you need courage,it's takes courage to gather ability of succeeding after failure,decision,focus,dedication,hard work,prayers.does are the steps taken to get over failure and switch failure to success.
  Focus means follow one course.
Accept failure as a normal part of living. View it as part of the process of exploring your world; make a note of its lessons and move on.
"Failure is the tuition you pay for success."make a right decision,a right step and failure will be covered.
Failure Failure Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 10:52 Rating: 5

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