
An Email From A Reader On Domestic Violence About Her Boyfriend Maltreating Her

                                                            It is time for people to let the cat out of the bag and speak out.

 I received an email yesterday from a young lady who poured her heart out about domestic violence, she says her boyfriend maltreats her and she does not know what to do because he has been a pillar of support.

Read the email and my reply after the cut.

Dear Oyin,
i have always visited your blog and it is quite inspirational. I must commend you for the service to your viewers. I would like to share my story on ''Domestic violence'' please keep my name mute.

'' I have been dating this guy for two years now, he appeared cool in the first year of our relationship not until the second year.
 I lost my mum some years back, dad remarried and i was left to stay with my grandma. I spoke to him about my family issue he then offered to sponsor me and after some time i moved into his home.
Suddenly, he started misbehaving, he comes in late, he beats me up and he threatens to cheat on me when i complain.

 I became pregnant early this year and he forced me to remove it. I couldn't report to the police because of the love i have for him. I am scared of moving out, i don't have a job to sustain me and i don't want him coming after me.



Thank you so much for visiting Success Exaltation and for sharing this challenging story.
I think it is wrong for a lady to move into the house of a man she is not married to or has plans to marry.
Well about the issue on ground, you are not to be blamed. Thank God you spoke out because a lot of women had lost their lives in silence.
My advice to you is search for a job then save has much has you can, pack your things and move back into your grandma's house. Start or learn a craft that would provide a steady income. Acquire education and do other things like buying and selling. Work smart and pray hard!


Oyin Olowoyo

Domestic violence simply means taking advantage of an intimate partner or family regardless of gender or sexuality. Forms of domestic violence are physical, sexual and emotional abuse.  
It is unlawful and it should be criminalized. Women, men and children should be educated and anyone going through this violence should speak out. The media and celebrities has helped in throwing light to the violence.

Be at peace with all men. Stop violence...

Photo Credit: TommieRichie27. TCD photography. Google
An Email From A Reader On Domestic Violence About Her Boyfriend Maltreating Her An Email From A Reader On Domestic Violence About Her Boyfriend Maltreating Her Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 11:09 Rating: 5

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