
I Have A Testimony! The Power Of Praying For A Friend.

                                                    Lean on me let me pray with you, for there is power in agreement.
 Read my testimony after the cut,

A friend of mine missed her period (menstruation) early this year. She lost her period for a year and she had done various test, but the doctors couldn't find a specific problem. 
It was sad to hear and i could relate to how she felt because i had experienced same issue in the past. She was so strong with it and i did not know she had such issue, because she is always so cheerful.

 I took it has a challenge and i set a prayer goal that from September 27 - October 31 she will give a testimony.

From that day, i prayed none stop, broke bread(communion) and to the glorification of God her period was restored. 

Take the challenge today, minister into someone's life, trust God for someone and believe in a miracle.. You can't tell if that will bring your own blessings too like Jobs.

Job 42; 10
And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave job twice as much as he had before.

I Have A Testimony! The Power Of Praying For A Friend. I Have A Testimony! The Power Of Praying For A Friend. Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 05:08 Rating: 5

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