
The matter" Topic of the day;- Why Do the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer?

It is hereby not a myth that the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. It has therefore been in existence for so long and I begin to wonder why these things really happen.

Hi people, this is an exciting moment. Let's get to the matter of the day. As I took a further research over this, I got the understanding that "The rich" are  re-producers and "The poor" are short termed thinkers and achievers...

Reproduction is therefore an act of making copies of duplicate.

The rich man's main aim is to reinvest. They spend every minute of their life creating continuity of income and wealth. They live a legacy for their generation to follow.
When a rich man dies; he lives his property for his children, the children will therefore use his wealth in generating more income for themselves.

The poor, the short-term achievers, focus their energy in a short time earning.

As Robert A. Heinlein said, "Throughout
history, poverty is the normal condition of man.

My given examples are; The asset and the liability. An asset is anything of value you own; The rich invests more in keeping assets, like the real estates, shares e.t.c

Liability is mostly practiced among the power, they therefore squander income on invaluable things.

"When you get a car of 3million, a latest car with good model, having it in mind that the car will experience faults and damage as time goes on, the value of the car drops because of a new model in the market and you want to sell it. The buyer will never buy it the same amount you got it, the buyer will purchase it In a lesser amount you got it.

Those are therefore my views on this topic. Please share your views in the comment below and you can also bring up topics you would like us to talk about.

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Thank you.
Oyin Olowoyo
The matter" Topic of the day;- Why Do the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer? The matter" Topic of the day;- Why Do the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer?  Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 07:21 Rating: 5

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