
Back to school and work, success tips"

   Hi blessed ones,  how's the Holidays?        This festive moments was shared with loved ones, some of us did travel for tourism in and out of the country.
And finally we are back home to prepare for school and work. I'm sure activities has started.
I would be sharing few success tips, as you begin a new year journey in your various schools and place of work.


1. Whatever your distraction was in the previous year, should turn to focus this new year.
2. Be consistent;
I have spoken on consistency in my previous write-ups for 2014.
You have all heard the story of the man called "Thomas Edison" who attempted 999 times to produce a light bulb.
A French reporter asked, “Mr. Edison, how did it feel to fail 999 times?” As the story goes, Thomas
Edison just smiled and replied, “Young man, I have not
failed 999 times. I have simply found 999 ways on how not to create a light bulb.”
Lessons from this short story, told us that even in fears, failures, disappointments; we should always leave our lives with consistency.
3. Turn a new leaf: you cannot always turn out to be the bad bully at school or the nagging office representative. Try something new this year and make people see changes in the new you.
4. Pray for results:- only God can grant our desires, be diligent and pray hard for better promotion this new year.

Make 2015 a fantastic year for yourself and for people around you.

Photo source: The fitness life with hamber.

Back to school and work, success tips" Back to school and work, success tips" Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 02:13 Rating: 5


  1. Hiya mami...I followed your link from Teetee's blog..I am already liking it here...Of all the points you made, I agree with #2...Consistency is the key to being successful.....That is something I have always believed in...

    Tibs Tells Tales
