

Thoughts are illusions generated in the mind within until till it reflects in a man's character. A man's thought shows his weakness and strength,they could be in form of pictures,words,meditation,either positive or negative. When a character changes it's depends on the type of thought made.

The positive side thought brings imaginations of achievement, wisdom, courage, movement, establishment that prints good result to reality, positive thought are like an energy booster reflecting the mind on things that could be done, it's might be in your goals set, plans made or other assignments, when positive thought comes ideas flows,wisdom comes,and courage to take hold of the thought to action, even things that looks so rare and impossible to achieve.

Then the negative thought on the other hand are destroyers,they are like pests that eat up great ideology,they are termites that set back achievement,they delay destination,they depreciate a man, they make things stagnant and still, they also bring worries and doubts, a lot of time you begin to doubt if your goals will ever be achieved,you begin to see the non availability of resources. In this country of ours, despite the conditions and state of the country,people keep struggling to achieve success,because they refuse to accept poverty.

To handle millions you have to learn how to handle tens, when the thought depreciates how will you grow, to move a goal and establish it to reality we have to learn how to put our minds straight, when the thought changes things begins to work out well, lines of success begin to arrange in the right way, make your dreams big and achieve big.

"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind".

My fellow readers change the way you think, for a great achievement in life, move your thought and see the result. Majority of us don't know that God as answered our prayers it only takes your thought to manifest those requests to reality.

Thoughts Thoughts Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 11:05 Rating: 5

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