
Purpose (Life Strategies)

 Purpose is an assignment given and designed for you to do, for a meaningful end result on them.
 Everyone was designed and called upon for a purpose, but we as humans misuse our purpose before leaving this earth, because of the affairs of this earth, career, peer groups, society, home background, religion, social life's, culture e.t.c.

A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being; but whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty, and should devote himself to its attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and imagination. This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must until weakness is overcome), the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph.

God give us all a purpose on earth before he designed us and he want a feed back on the last day, we call that end's of days, the judgement day, as that ever crossed your mind. Even the angels in heaven as a purpose to carry out.

 Why are you called? what is your purpose? why are you created? by the time we start reading meaning to this questions? we begin to realise that we have limited and no time to wait, as days pass we get close to our old age, we have more strength in our youth to executes our purpose in life instead of wasting our purposes on irreverent things.

 For an athlete to function properly, he must be intent. There has to be a definite purpose and goal if you are to progress. If you are not intent about what you are doing, you aren't able to resist the temptation to do something else that might be more fun at the moment.

         "He who clings to life shall lose it -- but losing it in a right cause will gain it.
Purpose (Life Strategies) Purpose (Life Strategies) Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 11:11 Rating: 5

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