
The battle line between two drink brands (completions)

Cocacola and Pepsi have been at war for market domination since they were introduced in the late 19th century. The competition is only natural since both drinks share the same colour and taste, meaning the heated battle between both brands for consumers’ pockets may continue for a long time to come.
rivalries coke pepsi
Why is the battle between Coke and Pepsi -- two ultimately similar types of sugar water -- the most important struggle in the history of capitalism? Simply put, their rivalry transcends time, distance, and culture.
It has divided restaurants, presidents, and nations. It has been waged in supermarkets, stadiums, and courtrooms. Its many foot soldiers include Santa Claus, Cindy Crawford, Michael Jackson, Max Headroom, Bill Gates, and Bill Cosby.
In 1886 an Atlanta chemist introduced Coca-Cola, a tasty "potion for mental and physical disorders." Pepsi-Cola followed seven years later, though it would be decades (and two bankruptcies) before Coke acknowledged the company in the way it had other competitive threats: lawsuits.
Pepsi-Cola had made hay during the Depression. Like Coke, the drink cost a nickel, but it came in a 12-ounce bottle nearly twice the size of Coke's dainty, wasp-waisted one. But by the 1950s, Pepsi was still a distant No. 2. It nabbed Alfred Steele, a former Coke adman, who arrived embittered and ambitious. His motto: "Beat Coke." Coca-Cola refused to call Pepsi by name -- the drink was "the Imitator," "the Enemy," or, generously, "the Competition" -- but it began tinkering with its business (and imitating Pepsi) to stay ahead.
In 1979, for the first time in the rivalry's history, Pepsi overtook Coke's sales in supermarkets. It didn't last, and by 1996, Fortune declared that the cola wars had ended. Since then Pepsi, with its increasing focus on health and snacks, has as good as surrendered. America's favorite two soft drinks? Coke and Diet Coke. 
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 can (12oz)
Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat 0
Calories 140
% Daily Values*
Total Fat 0g0%
Saturated Fat 0g0%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0g
Monounsaturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg0%
Sodium 45mg2%
Total Carbohydrate 39g13%
Dietary Fiber 0g0%
Sugars 39g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A 0%Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 0%Iron 0%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

****An overview of pepsi and coke ambassadors.***

One of pepsi finest face ambassador-

Beyoncé crazy in love with pepsi

Taylor swift for coke.

***Pepsi and coke  in Nigeria.***

The drink brand finally landed in Nigeria the struggle continues. Coca Cola was introduced into Nigeria in 1951, and in 2011 the brand celebrated 60 years in the country.

***Nigerians own drinks***
     Pepsi and coke as really helped out in quenching the thirst of Nigerians, it's is mostly common among children, teenagers and moreover adults, pepsi and coke are easily 
affordable than the juices and wines, the price is listed below, pepsi and coke as taken over various aspect in Nigeria especially event or places like naming ceremony, marriages, birthday calibration, back from work drink, traffic jam drink, social gathering, cinemas e.t.c.
Instead of sitting at home doing nothing everybody wants to enjoy the profit of coke and pepsi by opening a Depot close by  selling the two beverages, funny enough they equally taste alike, pepsi and coke also introduced other product like Seven up, Mountain Dew, Miranda, Fanta, Limca, Sprite
e.t.c, it's comes in can, plastic or bottle, it's is mostly enjoyable when chilled.

The market stragedy of coke and pepsi in Nigeria.
Coke and Pepsi may look the same, but experts insist they don’t exactly taste the same. They explain that Pepsi is much sweeter than coke, leaves a chemical aftertaste in the mouth and is smooth; while Coke has a sharper flavour and more gas which can be felt in the throat. Another crucial test that can differentiate both brands, they add, is to let them cool off for about 6 hours.
Coke will lose its flavour, become watery and bitter; while the taste of Pepsi will become much stronger.

In the Nigerian market, the pricing of both brands remains competitive. For instance, a 50cl bottle of Pepsi sells for N80; while a 35cl bottle of Coke is N70. On the other hand, though, plastic bottles/cans of both drinks sell for N100.“
It’s more profitable for us traders to sell Pepsi than Coke,” says Irene Ajala, a soft drinks dealer at Trade Fair. “For instance, we get Pepsi from the wholesalers at N920 per crate; while Coke is N1000.
 So if we sell at N1200 which is the market price, Pepsi obviously fetches us more profit.”

Even a cursory survey shows that Coke enjoys high brand awareness and availability.
A BrandXchange tour of the Ojo area of Lagos, for instance, revealed many restaurants/dealerships
decorating their premises with the Coke logo, and just one or two with Pepsi.

“Both brands of mineral sell very well in the market,” Efe, a young dealer in the local government
area tells BrandXchange. “However, Coke usually sells better. As you can see, I’ve run out of Pepsi
crates and may not restock until mid-January. But I can’t delay that long with Coke.”

Pepsi and coke celebrity endorsement.

Pepsi adverts often focus on celebrities choosing Pepsi over Coca-Cola,supporting Pepsi's positioning as "The Choice of a New Generation". Celebrities who have promoted Pepsi include Mariah Carey, KISS, Tina Turner, Britney Spears, Beyoncé Knowles, Pink, Enrique Iglesias, David Bowie, Rod Stewart, Jim Varney, Elvis Presley, One Direction, Michael Jackson, Brian May, Roger Taylor, Madonna, Spice Girls, Shakira, Amr Diab, Ray Charles. Also including artists who have also promoted Coca-Cola like Christina Aguilera and Elton John.

Coca-Cola advertising has historically focused on wholesomeness and
 for childhood. Coca-Cola advertising is often characterized as "family-friendly", and often relies on "cute" characters (e.g., the Coca-Cola polar bear mascot and Santa Claus around Christmas).
One example of a heated exchange that occurred during the Cola Wars was Coca-Cola's making a strategic retreat on July 11, 1985, by announcing its plans to bring back the original "Classic" Coke after recently introducing New Coke.
Notable promoters of Coca-Cola have included Bill Cosby, Whitney Houston, Paula Abdul, Weird Al Yankovic, George Michael, Christina Aguilera, Max Headroom, Celine Dion, Elton John and most recently, Taylor Swift.
The battle line between two drink brands (completions) The battle line between two drink brands (completions) Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 16:16 Rating: 5

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