
Fitness and will (health)

Top of the morning to you!

Tip of the day: Fitness and Will

Willpower is a word of contention in the world of dieting. Many assume a dieter’s success to be solely determined by how much willpower he or she has and go as far as to say that a large contributor to obesity is lack of willpower.

Others believe willpower to be out of one’s control, saying that no one inherently has more or less willpower, but that success comes easier to some people who are more willing to change their habits.

What motivates the over eating?
A daily morning exercise before work can boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and burn more calories throughout the day.

Having trouble keeping weight off? Find out the reasons behind your over-eating; do you eat when you're stressed, bored, lonely, depressed etc.? Identifying these triggers and learning to deal with them without food will greatly serve long term weight control.

Stay Fit, Stay Healthy.;;)
God love you....

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Fitness and will (health) Fitness and will (health) Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 02:33 Rating: 5