
What has procrastination done to you

"What has Procrastination done to you"
   Wikipedia theory of procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones; thus putting of impending tasks to a later time, sometime to the last minutes" before deadline.

Some of the causes of procrastination are laziness, stress, Anxiety, low willpower, low ambition etc.

  Procrastination in the first paragraph explains the life that I am living now and the danger it's has caused over achieving my goals. Here are some problems I faced over procrastination, how I went about it and some ways to prevent you from procrastinating.

1. Abandoned project:- Abandoned projects are planned endeavour with a specific goal left out in spite of a duty or responsibility. I opened this blog around December 2013 of which the reason for opening is to showcase one of my talents which is writing, in order to help people achieve their goals. I stopped writing in march which I had some excuses, after resolving them I procrastinated writing till I gave up my blog for other things.
2. Lack of time management:- I had problems with time management, never use to follow my daily planner routine, I am either late in doing my work or postpone it till the next day. Which I got used to and it was no help to me at all.
3. Self-control:- Actually, I lack self control in terms of procrastinating assignments and duties, my temperament, "sanguine" explains that. I have made different promises which I don't fulfill, I have always replace my work with irrelevant things. I created a diet plan in which I never follow and I keep adding weight, and now I've increased in size, let's just say i'm fatter than before.
On a serious facts, these things actually took grief in my heart, and I have been looking for ways to stop them. I made researches, prayed and It made a point in my heart to write about it, so I brought up this topic and I asked my siblings about their experience with procrastination an they laughed and they also shared their experiences with me.
The truth is everyone is solemnly a victim of procrastination in our businesses, home works, Talents, etc; And we all need a change towards procrastination. Here are the tips I find out on how to control procrastination .
1. Learn to manage your timing. keep daily routine planners, cultivate the habits of setting  alarms, if you know you are unable to manage your time resources in following your routine planner.
The Bible also says in "Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven".
2. cultivate self discipline:- it's being self restricted to yourself over your emotions, avoid impulses that could prove negativity.
3. wakeup to your Abandoned project: There is a saying that goes thus "what goes around comes around- law of karma. soon someday you would always remember the project you have left behind and by then you might end up regretting the fact that you never continued or complete the projects.
my last tip will be, don't start what you cannot finish. Before accepting a deal or contract or before starting any work, take a deep breath, make researches, see if its good for you before proceed with it.
I am working on a book over this topic, it's will be published soon, and i pray for great results. To keep this conversation going, share your experience on procrastination in the comment box, Remember the topic is "What has procrastination done to you". Have a blessed day!

Photo credits:-UC Responsibility

What has procrastination done to you What has procrastination done to you Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 05:59 Rating: 5

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