How to cut off from unnecessary circles
Have you ever found yourself in a non purposeful circles, wondering what you where doing there and how much time investment you have wasted impressing and surrounding yourself with some certain people. Perhaps you have tolerated their actions and character for a long time without change.
Friends are people other than a family member, spouse or lover whose company one enjoys and towards whom one feels affection. They also provide assistance, helping you solve a problem and set a goal. Most times we find ourselves attached to some unnecessary peers, because we just want to spice up the moments and have fun.
Therefore, we end up spending too much investment, knowing that life is short, and other great factors are yet to be achieved.
Here are ways to help you cut off unnecessary friends, stay happy and independent.
1. Set boundaries
learn to draw out a line between yourself and your peers, remove all strings attached. setting gaps and discipline to be independent and discover who you are. Set times when you need to be in a conference or be alone. let them know your worth and principles.
2. Talk less listen more
When you are in group chat, listen to what they have to say, talk when it is necessary. Don't bring up suggestions or topics to generate another discussions. It's feels polite to listen to people's opinion than to do all the talking.
3. Respect yourself:- Never engage in a fight in public places, "it is the position of which you place yourself, that you would be addressed.
4. Engage time and energy doing other things.
Spend quality time studying, checking out plans, improving your skills and knowledge.
Follow your planner, set times you would want to be in group discussions and flee afterwards.
5. Go for counselling
Seek for higher knowledge from people, go for counselling programs; I think the internet as also helped in terms of showing guidance to people who needs assistance. Seek other psychology blogs and websites, like : they are great medium for support.
6. Interact with passion fulfilled people
Move along with people in your line of career, decision makers, rub minds with experienced people.
Realise life is short, you cannot end up impressing people, focus your mind on achievement and God's purpose for your life and how your life will affect generations and citizens around. Cut of those friends and move on.
Photo credits:- pin by Pinner.
How to cut off from unnecessary circles
Reviewed by The Oyin Brand

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