
Motivation Friday:- Your right to Excel

photo credit:- tiny Buddha

    Your rights to Excel
"Gracefully lead a successful life in which you are admired by other people for your skills--- wiki how"
 Everyone has the potentials to excel in various endeavours: work, academics, businesses etc because we have the mind of excellence Impacted to us through God; for we were created out of his image.
To excel means taking lead over someone or something, I would be sharing with you few tips on excelling. Here i would be sharing tips on how to take positions of your right to excel.

Never look up to a person as a competition
It is ok to look up to a successful person and trace their steps in achieving success inline to your field; instead of been envious. "A jealous person will never excel"

Be positive and unique
Stand out differently with a positive heart.  

Consider that "They are many birds in the sky and they never collide against each other"

  photo credits:- Unknown source

Accept critic
You will always get blames, people will make gests of you, even in our thought comes criticism at times.
"For in the heart of many comes negativity"

No one can determines your future, only God. Its might be frustrating pulling through the hard times especially when you get critics instead of encouragement but persevere to the end.

Take an idea diligently
An idea is an image of an object which is constructed in the mind or by recalled memory. Understand that an idea can be given to different people from your field and society, the idea can only be yours when it is is executed. As the idea comes, pen them down, take measures, construct a plan, follow the plan and execute the ideas to reality.
Take some risks.
Go some extra miles pursuing your goal, take risks even when you see red light signal upfront, remember that
"there is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Surely everyone as the right to excel, take charge, be wise, pray always and you would always find yourself at the top.
#Motivationfriday #yourrighttoexcel.
Motivation Friday:- Your right to Excel Motivation Friday:- Your right to Excel Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 08:55 Rating: 5

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