
Life Is Short, Yes! What Have You Made From It?

    It is pitiful to see people use this grace called life in a negative direction. In life, the future is unknown and whatsoever we do today will bring the outcome of tomorrow.

I live today like the world will end tomorrow, though i get lazy sometimes but i make efforts to do something great today. When you die, on your tombstone there will be two dates inscribed on it. The date you were born and the date you die.  Then, the  little space in between the date you were born and the date you die indicates your time spent on earth, the efforts you have showed forth to whatsoever  you do and whoever you met before death. So, the question is What footprints did you leave behind? whose life have you touched? how much sacrifice have you given? and was life a waste afterall?

Off course you cannot restore life after it is gone, so why not use the life you have now before it goes. We were born has a baby, we would grow has a man then has you grow older you will loose the strength and sooner from you 60s you will be as tender as a baby. You can only be wiser and stronger mentally because of experiences, this why there is more to share as an aged man or woman but you can never be as strong as you used to be in your 20s and 30s. Sometimes we say to ourselves that we wish to have own some things we know now when we were much younger because we would have been better than the way we are now.''Time is priceless,no one can ever buy it. You are only opportuned to use it. Make value of Time !

 Invest into your future and the future of others, go to a place and leave a print behind because when you are gone you will be remembered. A story can only be written for those who have succeed in every area of your life and the lives of others, in the community, a country and in the world.

''You may be born in a poor home, but you are given a chance to be a tool of change in everyone else's life. Be positive!

In life nothing is wasted, from wood furniture and shelter is made''

Photo credit- Google images

Life Is Short, Yes! What Have You Made From It? Life Is Short, Yes! What Have You Made From It? Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 04:16 Rating: 5

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