Stop daydreaming; start doing
Are you a person that lives life with fantasies and wishes, hoping someday desires will come to pass without actions and efforts.
A daydream;
A dreamlike musing or fantasy while awake especially
of the fulfillment of wishes or hopes.
A daydreamer;
A person who wastes time daydreaming of accomplishments instead of accomplishing things.
Daydreams are known for positive and negatives sides. They are positive, in situations when you fantasize your goals were met and you imagine being happy like getting married, passing a test, getting a job. Off-course you wish all those could happen, but it is very disastrous when you daydream without work.
In life, you have to be realistic and precise; Yes! Everyone wants to be successful without pain, I want that too. But we have to understand that life is about effort and gain, more of "Give and take" type of principle.
"Even a pregnant woman has to pass through pains before delivery".
Here are some suggestions on how to stop daydreaming.
1. Focus your attention on doing:-
Work really hard, increase your capacity and strength in getting things done, get more knowledge.
"Remember their is always a way to the top, only if you work your way to the top".
2. Don't take a break few mins or hours after starting:-
Breaks are always very distracting; when you are working or studying, and you feel oh! You need this have 5mins break to myself, then you start other things like texting, watching a movie or a soap, playing games; now those things could be thrilling and exciting, and in the real sense after being distracted, it will be so difficult to break through from it. Until you begin to realise, you left those duties undone for pleasure because of some minutes timeout.
3. Stop procrastinating:-
A friend once told me this;
"when you don't do your project or assignment before the week ends, you will always end up not doing it again". this means, when you don't do those things you plan to do, time will keep running by with the same excuse and with the same statement "i will do it tomorrow.
4. Motivate yourself:- Take a deep breath, say oh I can do it. Mention positivity into yourself and abilities.
5. Be consistent:-
Keep doing the same thing over and over again, never get scared of failing or falling. Failing is also part of the routes to success, only when you realise it, raise up again and keep trying.
"Like hitting the walls hard to cross to the other side, it's might only require one more try before the wall splits". Never stop!
Have it in mind, that results never come suddenly. It will come, when it is less expected.
Stop daydreaming your time away, transform those daydreams to effort in target of your goal.
Photo credit:-
Photo credits:- Amazon "John Maxwell's book.
Photo credits:-
Stop daydreaming; start doing
Reviewed by The Oyin Brand

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