
Encouragement To All My Friends

"The reason why we live, is to find purpose. sadly, people die without having their purposes achieved"

We're distracted from so many things. The affairs of the society, pressure, other reasons known to us. Sometimes we don't see ourselves in that line of purpose anymore.

I think when it's comes to what you love, you find every cost to do it. Immediately attention shifts from it, going back may become really tedious.

I was in some kind of pressure early this year, and I stopped blogging.  I have always felt guilty ever since. I woke up this morning and said to myself, I should go back to SUCCESS EXALTATION. This is the gift God has given and it is my right to work in it.

I would encourage those who find it hard to go back to whatever they find passion in, though it is never easy to multitask with other activities.

Going back is never late, I know you may be asking yourself right now (how will I get back to it, how can I do it like I used to in the past?)

The best thoughtful answer is start, after you have started ideas will come.

''Happiness is to the sheep that goes astray and  return again to his shepherd"

Death is the only thing that can stop you from fulfilling everything you ought to fulfill. Death is the only reason that dreams, aspirations, goals, work, labor dies. Irrespective of your age, as far as you alive, you have hope to achieve anything.

Life is grace, grace is opportunity. They say opportunity comes once, but the truth is it doesn't stop at once, it keeps coming.

To those who have made mistakes, mistake is just part of the plan, fall and rise again.

When you quit go back again, again and again. work and pray till you rise and stay on top. Good morning!

photo credits- Google images
Encouragement To All My Friends Encouragement To All My Friends Reviewed by The Oyin Brand on 02:08 Rating: 5


  1. Oyin, your write-up is quite inspirational. Keep it up!

    1. Awww, thank you, keep reading please! stay inspired!
